10 Video Game Villains That Bend Time And Space Itself!

6. Time Eater - Sonic Generations

Half-Life Alyx G-Man

Sonic Generations is one of the better-received entries into the franchise released over the last decade, with Sonic facing off against not only Doctor Eggman but also the unimaginatively-monikered villain the Time Eater.

The Time Eater is exactly what its name and appearance suggests - a mysterious alien entity with the ability to control and devour both time and space.

Eggman's plan is to team up with a past version of himself to harness the Time Eater's powers and erase Sonic from their timelines forever, allowing him to rule the universe unimpeded.

Despite harbouring enough power to essentially destroy the universe, the Time Eater is really more of a non-discriminatory cosmic force than an outright villain, albeit one transformed into a hefty foe courtesy of Eggman, who fashions it as a cyborg-like abomination.

In the end, both Sonics use the Chaos Emeralds to defeat the Time Eater and restore the increasingly unstable timeline to normal. Phew.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.