10 Video Game Villains That Bend Time And Space Itself!

5. Paul Serene - Quantum Break

Half-Life Alyx G-Man

Quantum Break's antagonist is Paul Serene, protagonist Jack Joyce's former best pal who decides to forge ahead with a risky time travel experiment, which inevitably goes wrong, leaving both Paul and Jack with the ability to manipulate time.

But Serene receives a much higher dose of "chronon radiation" than his friend, and so in addition to being able to see far into the future, he becomes stricken with a debilitating, terminal illness.

Though Paul genuinely wanted to prevent the supposed end of time which he witnessed in the future, his chronon syndrome ultimately rendered him paranoid and prone to bursts of rage.

If less of a card-carrying, unambigously evil villain than most of the characters on this list, Serene nevertheless placed himself in direct opposition to the hero with his erratic time-shifting shenanigans.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.