10 Video Game Villains Who Didn't Show Up Until The End

8. Frank Fontaine - BioShock

Spider Man PS4 Doctor Octopus
2K Games

BioShock's primary antagonist Frank Fontaine is an especially interesting example, because while the player doesn't actually physically encounter him until that atrocious final boss fight in the last few minutes of the game, that claim comes with a devilish asterisk.

Despite his apparent absence, Fontaine has nevertheless been hiding in plain sight - or rather, plain sound - far longer than that.

For the first 75% of the game, Fontaine is disguised as Atlas, the Irish-accented support character who is introduced early on and vocally guides protagonist Jack through the remnants of Rapture.

And even once his ruse is revealed, it's a good while longer before the final showdown actually takes place, culminating in Fontaine finally being defeated.

As disappointingly generic as the Fontaine fight ultimately is, the execution of the reveal itself - in conjunction with the iconic "Would you kindly?" mic drop - is absolutely masterful.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.