10 Video Game Villains Who Stupidly Helped The Hero Win
4. Darth Sidious - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Darth Sidious, better known as Emperor Palpatine, is one of Star Wars’ delights. Even fans who despised the Prequels acknowledge that watching him methodically and insidiously undermine the Republic from within is enthralling to watch.
Those same fans would have wondered what on Earth happened, because The Force Unleashed’s Palpatine concocts a plan even the notoriously dense Jar Jar Binks would have had one or two questions about.
On the surface the idea was simple: use Vader’s apprentice, Starkiller, to coax Rebel sympathisers out of hiding by having Starkiller lead the formation of a legitimate rebel movement, thereby placing the Rebel dissidents in one convenient basket where they can be easily crushed.
What the Emperor failed to consider is that the suspiciously moderate Starkiller would prove to be rather poor Sith material, and that upon pulling a Heel-Face turn would also prove to be powerful enough to defeat Palpatine himself, and whose heroic sacrifice would save the nascent Rebellion from the very Sith Lords who sent him to destroy it.
The result? The Rebellion goes on to destroy two Death Stars, kill Sidious and topple the Empire, all because of an outcome the movie Emperor would have easily foreseen.