10 Video Game Villains Who Were Right All Along (And You Hated Them For It)

The villains who spill the bitter truth!

metal gear solid 4 Big Boss

Morality tends to be relatively straightforward in the world of video games. You have your good guys and your bad guys, but this said, the "bad" side isn't always wrong.

There are plenty of video game villains whose goals are actually quite reasonable, and their motivations can even be downright noble. So much so that the truth they speak drives all the players mad.

Yes, sometimes the villain can be the one who makes the most sense, but this will only make you hate them even more, because there's nothing worse than hearing some real harsh truths about your favorite protagonist from the very same people you consider to be the "evil" ones.

A quick change of perspective can showcase the hypocrisy of your character, unveil the flaws in their way of thinking, and prove that the villain was right all along. However, your nemesis' truth bombs won't lead to a moment of humility but rather an even greater hatred of your enemy.

It's a hard pill to swallow, but the following villains were right. The only reason you thought they were evil was because the truth was just too difficult to accept.

10. Big Boss - Metal Gear Solid

metal gear solid 4 Big Boss

Before his greater development in later games, Big Boss from the Metal Gear Solid series was originally a villain who sought to plunge the world into an endless war for the idealistic but ultimately misguided goal of letting people fight for what they personally believe in.

From the perspective of our world, Big Boss sounds like a maniac, but in the reality of the Metal Gear series, his ambitions expose a bitter truth about Snake and many other characters.

You see, the world's nations in Metal Gear have a tight grasp on most of the world's media and information sources, which, combined with the great technological advancements made within the games' universe, allows them to control people however they like and with little regard for their personal well-being.

In the military, this leads to plenty of soldiers being fed to the war machine and then callously disregarded. Most soldiers you play as or meet throughout different Metal Gear games suffer a similar fate, most notably Big Boss's own mentor.

This is why, although an endless conflict might sound bad, it seems better than the pointless and equally endless fighting you're already doing for the world's power-hungry governments.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.