10 Video Game Villains Who Were Secretly Your Ally All Along

7. Pagan Min - Far Cry 4

the quarry game

Every Far Cry game is known for its villain. They’re all extremely charismatic and captivating people that amass huge fanbases, no matter what atrocities they commit against the player.

However, if there’s one Far Cry antagonist that deserves more praise than his great personality, it’s Pagan Min. Because he is the only “evil” bad guy who’s genuinely trying to help you.

In Far Cry 4, you play as Ajay, the son of a deceased leader of a rebel group called the Golden Path that tries to free Kyrat from Pagan’s regime. When you arrive in Kyrat, you quickly follow in your dad’s footsteps and join the fight as well. However, what you don’t realize is that there was never any need for bloodshed.

In the final mission, when you storm Pagan’s palace and confront him, the mad tyrant reveals that he never had any intentions of harming Ajay. He explains that you’re actually the son of his dead lover and that he always anticipated giving away Kyrat to you, right after welcoming you to Kyrat.

Huh. Maybe staying over for dinner with mentally unstable dictators isn’t such a bad idea, after all.

In this post: 
The Quarry
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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.