10 Video Game Villains Who Were Secretly Your Ally All Along

6. Silver And Blaze - Sonic '06

the quarry game

Sonic '06 is guilty of a lot of crimes against gaming, but introducing Silver - and reintroducing Blaze, who had previously appeared in underrated 3DS spin-off Sonic Rush - isn't one of them. It's probably the only good thing to come out of it.

Silver and Blaze are a couple of psychics who come from a distant future where a great cataclysm has wiped out all of civilization. At some point in the story, they find a way to travel back in time and decide to kill the person responsible for the end of the world.

Throughout Sonic's and Shadow's storylines, Blaze and Silver appear as antagonists who fight the two hedgehogs, thinking them to be responsible for the cataclysm.

It isn't until later that they discover they were tricked by their actual target, who disguised himself as Sonic and Shadow in order to eliminate the only two characters capable of stopping him.

After the reveal, the two psychics join forces with the hedgehogs and help them save the world, like they were planning to do from the beginning.

The collaboration must've been to their liking, as from that point on, Silver and Blaze would become regular additions to Sonic's team, appearing in much better titles than their atrocious debut.

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The Quarry
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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.