10 Video Game Villains Who Won By Losing
3. Edgar Ross - Red Dead Redemption

The Red Dead Redemption series tells the story of the tragic fall of the Van Der Linde gang. The culmination of this tale happens in the epilogue with John Marston’s son, Jack, taking revenge for the death of his father by shooting Edgar Ross, the federal agent who ordered his execution.
Now, this may feel like the moment of triumph for you as the player, but in reality, Edgar’s death is actually the moment he won.
Although an old man being murdered after finally getting to enjoy his retirement may not seem like the victor of Red Dead Redemption's storyline, his death is symbolic of a major theme of the games—the end of the Wild West.
When Jack takes revenge for his father’s demise, he tragically seals his fate as the last surviving member of Dutch’s gang. Despite John trying his hardest to give Jack a good life, Jack falls into his criminal footsteps anyway, ensuring that, just as Edgar Ross wanted, all original gang members face justice by the law.
The moment Jack shoots Ross, he dooms himself to being chased by federal agents for the rest of his days, until they hang him or drive him to suicide.
In either case, the law wins against the criminals yet again.