10 Video Game Villains With The WORST Motivations

7. Arkham Knight - Batman: Arkham Knight

Far cry 3

After promising that the titular Arkham Knight was an all-new villain to be incorporated into Batman lore, it was disappointing to discover that the man under the mask was none other than former-Robin, Jason Todd.

The character has appeared in multiple iconic storylines, even taking centre stage in Judd Winick's Batman: Under the Hood, so when seasoned comic fans witnessed the unmasking of the game's villain most were left underwhelmed.

Contributing to the flat reveal were surely his villainous motivations, as they mirror that of his comic counterpart. The Arkham Knight joins forces with Scarecrow, and his initial motivation for doing so was cryptic, as we were only told that the new villain intended to kill the Batman.

However, as he is unmasked, the true reason for his existence and journey was propelled by the very same revenge arc that the comics had instigated. Jason blames Batman for abandoning him at the hands of Joker, and his new-found vigilantism is born of frustration towards the Caped Crusader.

A rationale fitting of a rebellious teenager, the Arkham Knight's motivations may very well have been a source on intrigue had we not seen it all before.

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Fan of ducks, ice tea and escapism. Spends much of his time persistently saying 'I have so much studying to do' before watching Zoey 101 for the millionth time. Thinks Uncharted 3 is the best one.