10 Video Game Villains You Can Secretly Side With (And IMMEDIATELY Regret)

1. Du'Met - The Devil In Me

the devil in me
Supermassive Games

The Devil In Me is the final entry in the first season of the Dark Pictures Anthology series from Supermassive Games.

The game takes place inside an antique hotel, where a group of filmmakers is trying to escape the clutches of a crazed serial killer, Mr. Du'Met.

Although the film crew are the victims of Mr. Du'Met, there is a way for you to ally yourself with him in one of the game's secret endings.

To get the ending, you need to kill everyone except Kate and Mark. In the final act, Du'Met will capture both of them and then try to coerce Mark into helping him lure more victims into the hotel under the threat of killing his friend with acid.

Agreeing to help the killer will trigger a special cutscene where Mark and Kate welcome Du'Met's new victims to the hotel and then head to a ferry to escape his clutches.

However, if you thought your sacrifice of innocent lives would go unpunished, you have another thing coming.

As soon as Mark and Kate are a safe distance from the hotel, the ferry stops, and you can hear two gunshots, indicating that Du'Met got them in the end anyway.

Well, you get what you deserve.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.