10 Video Game Villains You Can Secretly Side With (And IMMEDIATELY Regret)

2. The Grox - Spore

the devil in me

The Grox are the villainous species of cyborgs from Maxis life simulator Spore. They are feared throughout the galaxy thanks to their ruthlessly hostile nature as well as their blatant disregard for all living things.

This said, if the above description has somehow made you think that the Grox would make amazing friends, Spore does offer you the option to sign an alliance with them.

The process of becoming friends with the Grox is incredibly difficult and very easy to mess up, as the species has a permanent negative opinion of you, and the slightest bit of additional hostility can be impossible to remove.

However, if you put all of your efforts into it and throw in a couple of war crimes against organics, the Grox will be amused enough by your diplomatic plays that they will agree to ally with you... and then completely ruin your campaign.

As soon as you sign your soul to the Grox, every other species in the galaxy will declare war on you and start attacking your colony planets.

To make things worse, all your new "friends" will have to say about the matter is that they're satisfied with turning you into their new puppet.

Never trust a cyborg.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.