10 Video Game Villains You Didn't Want To Kill (But Had To)

1. Asgore - Undertale

Baldurs gate 3
Toby Fox

The genocide run of Undertale can be a pretty heartbreaking experience. If you've first finished the game as a pacifist, having to kill all of the monsters you became friends with can be a bit too much, which is why some Undertale players opt out of doing a genocide run completely.

Unfortunately, even if you play the game exclusively in pacifist mode, there is one character that will die anyway: King Asgore.

Asgore serves as Undertale's final boss. He is a sweet and friendly monster, but when you meet him, he will force you to battle him and then destroy the "Mercy" button so that you have to kill him or die trying.

It might seem out-of-character for Asgore to be so bent on spilling blood, but the king actually does it for a reason. If you die, he can use your soul to help the monsters escape the underground, and if you defeat him, you can use his soul to escape instead.

His decision to force you into a battle to the death is his ultimate sacrifice, which honestly makes it that much harder to finish him off.

Thankfully, if you play through the entire Pacifist run, there is a way to bring him back to life.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.