10 Video Game Villains You Didn't Want To Kill (But Had To)

2. Great Grey Wolf Sif - Dark Souls

Baldurs gate 3

The Great Grey Wolf Sif is considered the ultimate good girl of the Dark Souls series, not just because she is a giant fluffy wolf wielding a huge sword in her mouth but also because her tragic backstory paints her as a loyal and noble creature.

Sif is the canine companion of the Dark Souls' greatest knight, Artorias, who always stayed by his side. Even after her master is corrupted by the Abyss, Sif does her best to protect his grave and guard its defiled contents so that no one else suffers Artorias's fate.

Unfortunately, Sif's loyalty and sense of duty are exactly why you ultimately have to kill her.

Because Artorias's grave is on your path and you require the ring inside of it to progress through the story, your character will inevitably have to fight Sif, and seeing as she isn't a wolf who abandons her mission, your encounter can only end with death.

On the flip side, later in the game, you can actually summon Sif's spirit to protect you, so at the very least, the wolf seems to forgive you for putting her down.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.