10 Video Game Villains You Didn't Want To Kill (But Had To)

5. Paarthurnax - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Baldurs gate 3

Paarthurnax is the ancient dragon from Skyrim who lives atop High Hrothgar, serving the Greybeards as their master and tutor.

Paarthurnax is easily one of Skyrim's most beloved characters, as he is one of the few rare dragons who overcame their cruel nature and uses his knowledge of the Voice to guide Dragonborn to his destiny.

Unfortunately, if you plan on joining the Blades, you're going to have to slay this old, scaly sage.

Yes, the only way to progress through the Blades storyline, the organization that supposedly exists to aid the Dragonborn, is to kill Paarthurnax.

After you finish your dealings with Delphine, the woman gives you an ultimatum and tells you that if the two of you are to continue working together, you have to prove your dedication to the cause by killing the same creature that helps you figure out how to defeat Alduin.

When you confront Paarthurnax about it, the dragon tells you exactly why Delphine's vendetta against all dragons is wrong, which, combined with his highly likeable personality, is why some Skyrim players never finish the Blades' questline.

Those that do have to bear the guilt of taking out the only good dragon in the game for the rest of their playthrough.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.