10 Video Game Weapons That Cost Players Everything

7. Krayt Dragon Pearls - Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

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If The Mandalorian has taught us anything, it's that you don't mess with Krayt Dragons. They're massive, vicious killing machines and it takes a LOT to bring them down... Unless you're talking about the Krayt Dragon in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - in which case a few mines will do it.

It makes you wonder why Din Djarin didn't think to use mines given that Revan's adventures are verging on the periphery of canon these days, but this isn't about that mustachioed Mando; this is about the best Lightsaber focusing crystal option in the entire game.

Revan is asked to help the curiously named Twi'lek Komad Fortuna in taking down a Krayt Dragon The duo are successful in their efforts, splitting the spoils equally between them - one pearl each, which can be donated to the Sand People as proof of Revan's fighting credentials or used to beef up a Lightsaber to easy-mode levels of damage output.

However, within the KOTOR canon, Revan used a second Lightsaber meaning two pearls would be required to suitably improve their arsenal... so you had to murder Bib Fortuna's presumed ancestor in cold blood and impact on your morality whilst potentially losing out on further rewards from the Sand People.

What's a few Dark Side points now and then? You may as well work for Czerka you utter, utter Bombad.

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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.