10 Video Game Weapons That Let You Destroy Entire Worlds

9. Halley Engines - Planetary Annihilation

Stellaris Colossus planet killer
Uber Entertainment

Planetary Annihilation is a fun, competitive real-time strategy game where you try to defeat other players by building up your economy and then destroying their bases with an army of war machines. If the name didn't give it away already, the game features several methods of griefing your friends by wiping their planets off the map.

There are nukes and orbital strikes, and the game's DLC, Titans, has even added a full-scale death star to the mix. However, the most entertaining method of destroying worlds has to be the so-called Halley engines—huge rockets that your construction bots can mount to a moon to propel it towards the nearest celestial body. Unlike the other options in the game, the Halley engines require a little bit of setup and thinking, but this only makes the payoff all the more satisfying.

Nothing beats sneakily pumping a moon full of rockets and then watching as your Frankenstein creation of futuristic engineering and naturally occurring satellites rams itself into your opponent's homeworld at breakneck speeds, blowing it up into millions of little pieces.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.