10 Video Game Weapons With INSANE Requirements

1. Hadouken - Mega Man X

Ninja gaiden

The original Mega Man X features one of gaming's best easter eggs in the form the hadouken - Ryu and Ken's famous fireball attack from Street Fighter.

To obtain the hidden technique, you'll first need to have X fully upgraded. That means all four armor pieces, all eight heart containers, and all four sub tanks - the items that stock extra health energy for emergency use - and they all need to be full.

Once you've done all of that, return to the Armored Armadillo stage. At the end you'll ride a mine cart that launches across a chasm, delivering you to the boss's door. But what you want to do is jump from the mine cart at the height of its arc to catch a stone wall and wall-jump your way up to a small platform that contains... an energy capsule.

Now to get the hadouken, just do that four more times. Oh and don't get hit by the enemy birds who soar across the chasm with you, as you'll need full health for it to appear.

As for how to use the hadouken, well, any Street Fighter player already knows.

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Ninja Gaiden
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At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.