10 Video Game Weapons With INSANE Requirements

3. Invisible Hat - Super Mario Odyssey

Ninja gaiden

Super Mario Odyssey's Invisible Hat requires you to do everything in game, leaving you to wonder what use it really has beyond the gimmick of turning invisible.

To obtain the Invisible Hat you need to collect all 50 Power Moons - the bulk of which are rewards for optional challenges ranging in difficulty from "go up those stairs" to "land on disappearing pin-point platforms using triple jumps without power ups."

You'll unlock the Darker Side Of The Moon stage, where your final Power Moon challenge awaits. It is an absolutely brutal and long obstacle course filled with instant fail-states. You'll need to have mastered every trick in the platforming book to get through it, all to obtain the Invisible Hat.

So what does the Invisible Hat do?

Well it doesn't make you invisible.

OK, it does, but only to the player and friendly NPCs. Enemies still react as normal, seemingly rendering the ability useless. But the Invisible Hat is arguably the best kind of reward for players who S-Rank the game, as you now have the dded challenge of playing again without even being able to see Mario on screen.

This is the ultimate challenge that you do, just so you can say you did it.

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Ninja Gaiden
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At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.