10 Video Game Weapons With INSANE Requirements

4. Lightsaber - Star Wars Galaxies

Ninja gaiden

Jedi during the Galactic Civil War were rare and hunted relentlessly, and Star Wars Galaxies (the first MMO set in a galaxy far, far away) made sure to make your Jedi life as difficult as possible.

To become a Jedi, you have to become Force sensitive, which you do by mastering specific job classes or visiting specific points of interest. After this, you have to wait for a character called The Old Man to randomly appear before you.

Then you have to fight numerous Sith to start a series of quests. Upon completion, FINALLY you'll be a Jedi... after you complete the Padawan Trials and build your lightsaber.

Congratulations, you have now unlocked the ability to be a weak little baby Jedi. Now, you have to live and train in total secrecy. If anyone sees you wielding your lightsaber, you'll be marked with a huge reward for player bounty hunters to collect.

And did we mention the permadeath? Yes, if you die, you have to start from scratch.

Seeing a Jedi in the game was rarer than spotting a unicorn. It was a grueling path that forced you to play alone or only with your closest, most trusted friends.

It was awesome.

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Ninja Gaiden
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At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.