10 Video Game Weapons You Probably Never Found

7. Colt Peacekeeper Revolver - Battlefield 1

The Battlefield series is known for it's Easter eggs, with elaborate clues for you to find across both the single and multiplayer modes. One fantastic but little-known Easter Egg provides you with a unique sidearm called the Peacekeeper.

This will require doing a complex set of activities, starting with the deciphering of eight unique Morse code messages, meaning you cannot simply look them up online as they will be different for you. There are then several other stages set across six different maps, meaning most players probably never unlocked this weapon even if they knew it existed. It's just too damn effort-heavy.

The weapon has some unique animations and a pretty high damage output, although it is definitely not powerful enough to warrant the excessive effort you'd need to put in to get your hands on it. The in-game description of the Peacekeeper states that according to some, it is the greatest handgun ever made, which is thought to be a direct reference to Metal Gear Solid character Revolver Ocelot.

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Engineer and gaming content producer. Busy blaming teammates for Apex Legends losses and torturing myself in From Software games.