10 Video Game Weapons You Probably Never Found

6. Hadouken - Mega Man X

Battlefield 1 peacekeeper

We are all familiar with Ryu from Street Fighter's signature move, thrusting his hands outward to launch a wave of energy at opponents while exclaiming his signature phrase 'Hadouken!'. What many of us didn't realise however is that this ability is actually obtainable in another classic Capcom series, Mega Man.

Specifically in Mega Man X, this move is pretty hard to unlock, meaning many of us were totally oblivious to it's existence. In the armoured armadillo stage, players must dash jump to a specific ledge after riding on a floating platform. Providing Mega Man made it to this ledge with full health, the player must jump to their death in the adjacent pit exactly three times and the upgrade capsule will appear, granting you the iconic Street Fighter move.

Doesn't sound too complicated right? Well, there are actually a number of criteria that you need to meet before even attempting this: such as having defeated all eight bosses, fully upgrading your health and collecting all other ability upgrade capsules. Once you do have the move, it can only be used with full heath available and the controls are the same as in the original Street Fighter.

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Engineer and gaming content producer. Busy blaming teammates for Apex Legends losses and torturing myself in From Software games.