10 Video Game Weapons You Probably Never Found

4. Excalibur II - Final Fantasy IX

Battlefield 1 peacekeeper
Square Enix

Final Fantasy IX features a series of iconic characters, settings and stories. While there are many weapons and abilities that your party can equip, there is one item that is the most powerful in the game but is extremely difficult to unlock.

In order to receive the powerful sword Excalibur II, you must reach the final dungeon of the game in 12 hours or less, which is an extremely difficult feat considering it usually takes around 40 hours to reach this point. On the original release, cutscenes were not skippable and took up a total of 35 minutes which led to players using various tricks such as ejecting the disc during the cinematics to stop the in-game timer. The steam release allows you to skip cutscenes as well as disable random encounters which means it is easier than ever to get your hands on this legendary blade.

If accomplished, the holy elemental sword is granted and can only be equipped by Steiner, featuring a glowing turquoise blade and golden hilt. Dealing 108 damage, the Excalibur II is a formidable weapon that will see Steiner easily dispatch enemies.

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Engineer and gaming content producer. Busy blaming teammates for Apex Legends losses and torturing myself in From Software games.