10 Video Game Weapons You're A Dick For Using

9. Intervention - Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

shark weapon

The sixth entry into the esteemed Call of Duty franchise offered a smorgasbord of weaponry for players to sing their teeth into. The SPAS-12 shotgun was a dream for players engaging in close quarters combat and the ACR assault rifle a go anywhere, do anything piece of equipment.

Modern Warfare 2 allowed players to experiment with different classes, perks and load-outs to suit their needs. Building a play-style to suit you was great, in theory.

However, gamers who spent their Saturday nights glued to the TV with a headset stretched over their head while the Call of Duty online servers find them a match were often salivating at the thought of decimating their enemies with a well-timed Intervention shot to the face.

Seeing the final kill cam at the end of a match was embarrassing if you were the poor soul at the other end of the barrel, but the immense sense of shame when you discover that you were killed by an Intervention was often too much to bear.

The gun itself wasn't necessarily annoying, but the way it was used by seasoned players was infuriating.

If you use the Intervention to quick-scope me, you're not good, you're just a dick.

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Fan of ducks, ice tea and escapism. Spends much of his time persistently saying 'I have so much studying to do' before watching Zoey 101 for the millionth time. Thinks Uncharted 3 is the best one.