10 Video Game World Records THAT WERE COMPLETE LIES

8. Half-Life - Newifyy

Mario 64 long nose

Considering Half-Life is one of the most popular PC games in history, there was no question it would become massively popular with speedrunners. While most players were struggling to complete the game in under an hour, Newifyy blew the competition out of the water by winning Half-Life in 45:50. His platforming skills on this run were so spot-on, even Mario would be jealous.

Because some of his landings were frame perfect, it wasn't long before viewers questioned whether Newifyy's supposed skill was feasible. After analysing the gameplay, it was revealed that Newifyy had "scripted" his playthrough. Scripting is a program that some players use that automates certain actions in a game. This can be done so the player never misses a shot or kills any enemy with one hit.

For Newifyy's run, he relied on an auto-jump program so he landed on every platform perfectly. Not only that, he used an in-game script to perform flawless object boosts.

Although most players who are accused of cheating double down until they're blue in the face, Newifyy admitted to scripting and was banned from run verification for six months.


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