10 Video Game World Records THAT WERE COMPLETE LIES

3. The Baffling Fake Super Mario Bros. Run - Badabun

Mario 64 long nose

The YouTube channel, Badabun, uploaded a video in 2017 showing Tavo Betancourt supposedly completing Super Mario Bros. in five minutes. The speed-run is so fake, it's baffling why a channel would upload it, knowing it would decimate their reputation if they were caught (which they were).

If you thought a tool-assisted run was the laziest way to cheat on a game, Tavo topped it. Instead of playing Super Mario Bros., he pretended to play it while displaying footage of a tool-assisted speed-run which he stole from someone else. That's like cheating on top of cheating!

Experts could tell his playthrough was deceptive since Mario always moves as fast as possible. In a unmodified version of the game, it takes a second for the Italian plumber to accelerate to maximum speed. This can be done with a tool-assist but it's impossible to execute with a NES controller. Since the footage shows Tavo holding this controller throughout his playthrough, this highlights even further that he's not playing the game.

You know what the worst thing is? This run didn't even beat the world record!! Although it was an incredible time, it has been beaten by other players who relied on skill rather than cheating.


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