10 Video Game World Records THAT WERE COMPLETE LIES

2. GTA: Vice City - Anti

Mario 64 long nose

The criminals in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City aren't the only ones up to no good. Sometimes, even the players try to con their way to the top. Anti was a gamer who had a reputation for outrageous speedruns on the GTA series. Despite being suspected for cheating, no evidence could be found against him... for a while.

While a gamer called ROK24 was watching Anti's playthrough of GTA: Vice City, he noticed something fishy when Anti's character drove an automobile. If a car or motorcycle moves extremely quickly, a puff of smoke will come out of the exhaust. But in Anti's run, this happened the instant any vehicle's engine was turned on. ROK24 was nice enough to create a side-by-side comparison video showing that the vehicles in Anti's run were moving faster than in a normal version of the game.

After Anti admitted to cheating on several games, he assumed he would get a ban for a few months. But when it was uncovered that Anti had cheated on far more games than he claimed, he was barred from speedrunning websites forever.


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