Over the years, Pokémon has been accused of various nefarious dealings, mostly by miss-guided, fundamental religious groups. The most shocking of these accusations has come from Christians, who have argued that Pokémon directly encourages devil worship. The belief stems for several of the series central concepts, including the capturing and summing of Pokémon, which has been described as tantamount to the summoning of demons. Central to the groups accusations is the concept of evolution, which plays a key role in the Pokémon franchise. Believing as they do that all life is divinely inspired, Pokémon is seen as a rejection of their most central beliefs, especially considering the fact that, in some cases, magical stones are used in the games to instigate the evolutionary process. The claim that Pokémon is secretly satanic has gotten pretty weird over the years, with some fundamentalists claiming that the lyrics to the song Gotta Catch Em All, when played backwards, actually say I love you Satan. How anyone can think this is true, I will never know. Are there any we missed? Let us know the most whacky and asinine assumptions made about games in the comments below!