10 Video Games That Were Always Doomed To Fail

2. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

It's impossible to think of game more notoriously awful than E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. A game so bad that it almost single-handedly caused an entire industry crash, this Atari title has since entered the realm of popular culture. Looking beyond the drama that enveloped the development of the title, it's important to recognise just how horrible this game actually was. If you're brave enough to experience it yourself, you can do so here. Dreadful to the point of being painful to play, it's a wonder that the video game industry ever recovered from E.T. the Extra Terrestrial. E.T. started with good intentions. Designer Howard Scott Warshaw originally planned for the game to take place in a 3D world, with an fairly intricate gameplay path that would link nicely with the plot of the movie. Unfortunately, heavy time-constraints led to the confused mess that was ultimately released. A testament to greed, arrogance, and complacency towards a booming market, E.T. was released despite no one involved being enthusiastic about the project. Even Spielberg himself disliked the concept, and wanted a Pac-Man clone instead. Doomed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnjIGRga-6w

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