10 Video Games ANYONE Can Speedrun In 10 Minutes

8. Celeste Classic

Outlast Camcorder
Matt Makes Games

It's worth addressing right now that there is a big difference between the new Celeste and the classic version - mainly that the classic version can be finished in under two minutes if you have mad skills, whereas Celeste takes about half an hour even if you're the best player in the world.

This is largely because the classic version has both less screens, and smaller screens, with most levels accomplishable in about five jumps - even if they require moving through the levels in ways that maybe weren't the intended method.

Said jumps will require you to almost relearn where to jump and when to, but it's well worth it for finishing a game that should take about half an hour in a ninth or tenth of that time.

It's not the most simple speedrun, because it does require you to hone your parkour abilities to a nuanced degree. But, after a playthrough or three, most people are capable of at least giving it an honest shot. And hey, even if you mess up, it's just free practice for the next try.


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