10 Video Games ANYONE Can Speedrun In 10 Minutes

7. Oblivion

Outlast Camcorder

Given Oblivion is a game that many have spent hundred of hours in, it's straight up mind-boggling to think that you can, in fact, speedrun it in under ten minutes.

It is, however, the ten wildest minutes of gameplay you'll ever experience in your life.

Because the tutorial quest takes longer than ten minute to complete, instead of finishing it conventionally, you need to break out of your cell with a quicksave glitch, kill all the assassins coming to kill the King, then hit him to force him and his guards to chase you, because certain doors in this area only open when they're in proximity of them.

This isn't where stuff stops being weird though. From here, you travel to the Imperial City Temple District, because - for simply indiscernible reasons - the developers left a secret entrance to the last area of the game behind the door to the Temple of the One.

Wait for a couple hours, and Martin shows up, because you've confused the game enough it just presumes you've somehow done everything legitimately. Push him into the right spot, and he'll trigger the final lines of dialogue in the game, which is now possible to complete in five or so minutes.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.