10 Video Games Arachnophobes Could Never Handle

2. Bloodborne

Just about every From Software game has a tendency to be every arachnophobe's worst nightmare. It was no surprise then that Bloodborne, the developer's latest release, more than lived up to the imaginative grotesque creations found in the studio's earlier games. Because, with an entire boss fight centred around spiders literally fall from the sky, it's safe to say that From Software was able to create their magnum opus when it comes to having a game with the worst spider-inspired surprises. Annoyingly, the sheer amount of the enemies you come across during Bloodborne is a problem in itself, but to make matters worse even a single isolated eight-legged monster has enough of a kick to send you six feet under in a mere matter of seconds.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3