10 Video Games Broken Beyond Belief While Speedrunning

7. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Super Mario 64
Rockstar Games

Although it's been dwarfed by more recent open-world titles, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is still a huge game, so it's honestly bizarre to think that someone has completed it in 8 minutes and 35 seconds.

Because of the game's size and complexity, it all boils down to manipulating the Replay feature of the game to teleport to the final storyline mission, Keep Your Friends Close.

The run starts off by using a glitch: clipping through a bridge on Prawn Island to reach the Downtown area of the map (which is normally sealed off until later in the story). From here, speedrunners hop in a nearby helicopter, fly across town, and park outside the Moist Palms Hotel, where the Replay process begins.

In GTA, Replays are short recordings of gameplay that you can save. While leaving the Moist Palms Hotel, players start recording their next small chunk of gameplay, before saving it and starting a brand-new game.

The next step is to hop on the Pizza Boy scooter, initiating the delivery side mission. At this point, speedrunners start the Replay that they previously saved, so now, they have it running at the same time as the Pizza Boy mission. This is a process called "duping", which means to have multiple instances of missions running simultaneously.

With this done, a few more steps (including robbing a store clerk to get some money) will - if all goes well - confuse the game so much that it will teleport your character to the final mission, which must be completed normally.

The crazy thing about this is that there's a high chance your game will crash instead of warping you to the last mission. It takes a lot of precision timing and determination to get this speedrun finished, because you have to completely exploit the inner workings of the game, and hope that everything clicks together correctly.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.