10 Video Games That Have Epically Failed This Decade

1. Battlefield 4's Crappy "Netcode"

As disappointingly and infuriatingly as all of these games have failed, none has reached the epic level of faildom that is now associated with EA's Battlefield 4. Though the game was widely praised for its incredible 64-player online shootouts, the problem was actually getting into a stable game in the first place. Issues with the game's "netcode" (as became a ridiculous buzzword following the game's release) caused players to encounter game-breaking lag and even be booted out of servers through no fault of their own. Even when the game appeared to work, hit detection would be off, and players would even drop dead for no reason: basically, there was a ghost in the machine, and EA and DICE had plenty of work to do. A new patch was released for the game just last week, and though it appears to have fixed a multitude of issues, some players are still complaining about the same old problems recurring. That's right, a game that has been out for over 7 months and sold millions of copies still doesn't work for everyone as advertised. And in the meantime, rather than focus on fixing it, DICE have been trotting out a number of needless DLC expansions, while EA have been prepping the next entry in the series, Battlefield: Hardline. What a crock, and what an embarrassment. But hey, it's EA, so what do you expect? If we want things to change, we need to vote with our wallets and not stand for this insulting excuse for customer service. Did we miss any embarrassingly epic video game fails from the decade? Let us know in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.