10 Video Games Even Worse Than Everyone Expected

9. The Quiet Man

The Lord Of The Rings Gollum
Square Enix

Expectations were already borderline-subterranean for The Quiet Man prior to release, given that Square Enix scarcely discussed the action-adventure game at all after giving it a surprisingly fanfare-filled unveiling at E3 2018.

In the very least its fusion of traditional beat 'em up gameplay and lengthy live-action video sequences, alongside minimalistic sound design to convey its deaf protagonist's perspective, would make it a bold swing-and-a-miss, right?

Well, The Quiet Man was quietly dumped on digital storefronts in late 2018 and failed at basically every single thing it attempted to do.

The fighting gameplay was clunky and awkward, the live-action elements turned out more confusing than entertaining, and the muted sound design did less to build empathy with the game's lead character than leave players tuning out of the story in record time.

With the right approach The Quiet Man could've absolutely been a fascinating step forward for representation in video games, but this bungled throughline unfortunately rendered it a pure laughing stock.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.