10 Video Games Everyone Loves To Hate (That Totally Don't Deserve It)

6. Max Payne 3

Max payne 3

The Consensus: "A bald Max Payne?!", "It looks TOO different", "Rockstar don't know what they're doing"

The Truth: Like some outrageous news scandal revealing a politician had been on a weekend of strippers and cocaine, one picture was all it took to destroy Max Payne - one of him bald.

In letting Rockstar take the reigns for this third instalment, they wanted to make their own mark on the franchise. After all, developers Remedy have their signature style of comic panels, trenchcoats and black humour, Rockstar simply tried to say to the public, "This isn't a cash-in, we're going to try something new."

Problem is, we didn't want it. The Max Payne games were so damn good, this was one of those times where more of the same would've been ideal. As a result, I too was repelled instantly by the look of Max in a Hawaiian shirt, blasting gangsters across the Favelas. It struck the same chord as DmC: Devil May Cry - it just didn't feel right.

Visit it objectively though, and you'll discover a game about that notion of identity. Occasional flashbacks take you to those very same snow-covered streets of New York where - yes - the trenchcoat does make a reappearance. Overall, Max Payne 3 is about pushing the character to the absolute limit - the reason he shaves his hair off comes from a poignant part of the story, and it's this shift in the character that really makes you root for him in a way that Remedy never even came close to.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.