10 Video Games To Finally Be Excited About In 2014

10. Daylight

Daylight is certainly an interesting premise. You awake in an abandoned hospital, with only a cell phone to guide you as a makeshift flashlight. It curtails all that you've come to expect about these types of games, focusing on the desire to play cerebral head games with you. This isn't a game for the shooter crowd. Rather, it's a game for the brave souls who hope to survive its onslaught of psychological terror and paranoia. No need for ammo and health pick-ups here. In fact, the only thing that you do have is the aforementioned cell phone. By completely isolating you from any sense of security, developers Zombie Studios are cutting off all viable sanctuary you might expect. When you can't rely on that Desert Eagle to blow off some monster's head, you may start to rethink your strategy. Any good horror experience needs to be built on altering your perception, and Daylight is all about perception. As you try to uncover just what the heck is going on, it's clear that you'll be put into some harrowing situations. Those little tricks of light, glimpses of the horrors that are hunting you, all come into play. And by creating a game experience that is randomly generated for each play through, one can suspect that the developers are trying to skew an experience that is tailored to each player. It's a strong focus on narrative chaos, and those enemies that you thought you could outsmart? Well, they're probably one step ahead of you now. Anything that you believed you knew about the game the last time you played is probably wrong, and the game is working on a solution to fake you out. And there's nothing more frightening than believing yourself to be helpless. Daylight will be ready to scare the crap out of you come April 29th.
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Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.