10 Video Games Hidden Inside Other Video Games
3. Timesplitters 2 Inside Homefront: The Revolution
I’m just going to come out and say it, Timesplitters 2 might be one of the most perfect first person shooter games EVER to exist. The controls feel tighter than my chest when having to listen to Ash Millman butcher pronunciations, the guns are more varied than Josh Brown’s shirts and the comedy levels are just through the roof.
And that’s almost exactly why it feels completely odd to say that you can actually play some of Timesplitters 2 inside Homefront: The Revolution. Yeah that’s right, the game in which North Korea occupies the United States and you take part in an uprising to bring back the burgers and bald eagles to the land of the not so free.
Well if you think that’s a confusing contrast of images, think how I felt when I stumbled across an arcade cabinet in The Bourse which boasted the first level of Timesplitters 2 in its entirety. Not only was this game never released in arcades, but honestly it's just so much better than the game it’s in!
Aaaah Siberia, you might have been chilly but you’ll always warm my heart.