10 Video Games You Had To Hide From Your Parents

7. Grand Theft Auto

One of the most obvious choices, were you one of the few who managed to convince your parents to purchase it for you? Or did you lend it from a friend, only to have the true 'horror' of Rockstar's world-changing masterpiece unleashed from within your own walls?

It's quite easy to forget GTA's humble beginnings as an awkward top-down 2D shooter-adventure hybrid that most of us rarely indulged in for longer than a couple hours. One of the most successful titles to benefit from the jump to 3D graphics, these days GTA is a household name, with part five nestling comfortably underneath all of our television sets to the tune of over 34 million copies.

Part of the reason the mass media pitchfork-brigade didn't arrive on Rockstar's doorstep in the early days was right down to the fact that the violence and depravity on display was relegated to little pixellated men thwacking each other with rectangular bullets. However as soon as you could bludgeon a prostitute to death in three-dimensions well, then we had a cultural turning point in our hands, and something it was impossible to describe the appeal of to anyone other than those who played it from the get-go.

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Gaming Editor

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