10 Video Games IMPOSSIBLE To 100% If You Hit Credits 

9. Fable II (Ending Dependant)

the Witcher 3

While Fable II is possible to 100% on a single playthrough, that's entirely dependant on which ending you choose.

Fable is brilliant in the way it allows players to craft their own journey across Albion whether it be for good or evil. For the most part, this does not impede any kind of progression but on several occasions, the player is tasked with deciding between the fate of those they encounter.

Choices range from killing or sparing NPC's like Ripper to sacrificing the life of your sibling and dog for the good of the people. Either way, the ultimate decision could mean the difference between being able to complete the game in its entirety or regretting saving over your previous save.

While there are a number of missable items in the original Fable needed to unlock all the Demon Doors, Fable II's missable items feel that much worse.

Legendary blunderbuss, The Enforcer, can only be dug up thanks to your loyal dog companion, which sadly perishes during the game's closing moments. Three of the game's achievements, The Pooch Pamperer, The Archeologist, and The Dog Trainer are all directly linked to interactions with your dog.

Thankfully, one of the three endings allows you to bring your faithful companion back, but for the others, he's gone for good.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.