10 Video Games In 2021 Everyone Regretted Buying

7. Mario Golf: Super Rush

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While few were expecting a solid gold masterpiece from the latest entry into the Mario Golf franchise, there was no reason to doubt it'd deliver the reliable goods and give players a time well worth their money.

Sadly, then, Mario Golf: Super Rush is a staggeringly lazy effort that charges a full retail RRP for a shockingly shallow, content-impoverished title.

As enjoyable as the Speed and Battle Golf modes are, there's a depressingly cynical lack of content here, from its boring story mode to its dearth of courses and playable characters.

Compared to the GameCube's more substantial Toadstool Tour, this feels like a step back in most every way that really matters, as though Nintendo rushed it out to plug a gap in major releases due to the impact of the pandemic.

Super Rush - a fitting title in retrospect - is surely an easier sell to those totally new to the franchise, but even then, you'd be right for feeling absolutely ripped off if you threw down £50 to play it day one.

If you're curious, rent it for a few quid or, because Nintendo is allergic to the notion of price drops, pick up a second-hand copy for £30 on eBay.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.