10 Video Games MUCH Better Than We Thought They'd Be

10. Tales From The Borderlands

tales from the borderlands

A spin-off game that borrows IP from an existing game franchise is generally a small step above a movie-tie in game. Expectations for both are almost always low and they almost never even meet those let alone end up being really impressive.

Imagine our surprise then when Telltale’s Tales From The Borderlands arrived and it wasn’t just good, it was arguably their best outing yet, legitimately hilarious, and even capable of pulling your heartstrings.

Tales From The Borderlands managed to bottle the Borderlands chaos and magic without delivering something entirely predictable and strangely the Telltale gameplay formula worked like a charm. Combat didn’t completely disappear, though it was decidedly Telltale-ified, complete with a finger gun battle that will go down as one of the funnier scenes in video game history. The characters are almost all really well-rounded and sympathetic, the progression of the story is genuinely intriguing, and each chapter does a great job of weaving back and forth between humour, bombast, and earnest moments.

If you haven’t picked this one up because it’s a Telltale game or because it’s based on Borderlands, trust me and give it a go.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.