10 Video Games Nobody Has Beaten (Because It's Genuinely Impossible)

6. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - DOS And Amiga

Mario party 4

The 1989 NES TMNT game is pretty bloody hard. For most kids growing up with the title, it was realistically a game with just three areas that come to a screeching halt when they get to the brutal Hudson River Dam.

But this is nothing compared to the DOS and Amiga releases of the same game because right away it pulls out a trick that stops the dropkicking, pizza-eating, mutant reptiles in their tracks.

Across the game's first level, players take their preferred Turtle across the streets of New York and into the sewer systems. However, there is a particular jump to cross that is actually impossible. No matter what you try, there's not enough room to leap to the next platform, thanks to a low ceiling that sends you plummeting into the sewage below.

Now, people have beaten this game and not just with cheats. The European version of Turtles corrects the problem. However, most bizarrely, later reissues of the game in America addressed other things in the code but not this jump.

Keen players weren't to be deterred though. Using hex editing software, it's possible to move your Turtle along, past the jump... where you will find another impossible leap!

Finally, Shredder found a way to conquer his nemesis's - and it all took was a few extra bricks and some mortar.

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The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.