10 Video Games Nobody Has Beaten (Because It's Genuinely Impossible)

5. Smash TV - Arcade V1.0

Mario party 4

1990's Smash TV was an odd, sci-fi dystopic top-down shooter. Inspired by Schwarzenegger film The Running Man, the setting is a futuristic gameshow where blood sports have become the norm. You, alongside a friend, will fight hordes of enemies to the death. Your prizes vary wildly from cash to toasters, and there's some tempting talk of something called "the Pleasure Dome".

Supposedly, if you were good enough, this would unlock after beating the final boss. Pretty straight forward objective, right? Collect enough keys, rack up enough points and make your way into this promised paradise.

However, there's actually no such thing. Despite harping on about it, it's not in the original arcade game because the developers didn't think that players would be good enough to get to the Pleasure Dome. Sure, Smash TV is tough but they underestimated hardcore arcade gamers who wouldn't back down from a challenge.

As such, the 2.0 release of the arcade version, as well as all subsequent home console ports, included the hidden bonus level. Finally, you could surround yourself with a legion of pixelated women! Was it worth it?

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The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.