10 Video Games Nobody Has Beaten (Because It's Genuinely Impossible)

3. Mario Party 4's Doors Of Death

Mario party 4

We're getting really particular with this one but it's such an incredible example that needs to be included. Most people would assume "finishing" a Mario Party title would simply include grabbing all the unlockables and perhaps setting some high scores, but in Mario Party 4 it's impossible to actually get to the end of one particular mini-game.

Doors of Doom is a single-player mini-game which is as simple as it gets. The player is presented with two doors, with a 50% chance of proceeding to the next room and a 50% chance of being stopped by Bowser. There's no one to beat, it's about getting through as many doors as possible. However, that 50/50 split gets more tense every time.

On the one hand, there's no actual victory but there is an end-point. At 30 doors opened, the next will always be Bowser - a hardcoded limit in the game. However, there's no recording of anyone ever legitimately getting this far. The current world record is a total of 14 doors, not even half.

If you want to get mathematical about things, that's where the real juice is. Because each room has a 50% chance of success, doing this 30 times makes for astronomical odds. It's calculated that the possibility of getting to the game's hardcoded end is 0.00000009%. That's 1 in less than a billion.

This isn't a party, this is a nightmare.

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Mario Party
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The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.