10 Video Games With The Most Outstanding Graphics Of 2013

7. Metro: Last Light

A dark, smelly, rotting and frightening environment for any gamer, Metro: Last Light provides you with a truly unparalleled experience to any other horror game. The underground environment is breathtakingly detailed with every inch of dripping sludge having an almost touchable texture to it. The lighting plays a key part in this game, mainly because of how dark the tunnels you explore are. Even above ground the bright lens flare that the sun emits compensates beautifully with the rich and diverse over-vegetated environment you get to explore. Plus after you've managed to take all of that in, the fluidity of the creatures' motion is extremely smooth and their slimy and alien-like forms are intricate and almost believable.
Arguably one of the most important pieces of visual detail aside from a certain woman's top-half (you'll see) is the weaponry and the hands of your very own character. Your helmet can get dirty, prompting you to wipe off the muck so that you can more adequately see your surroundings. The blood on your hands is viscous and the crisp indents of your guns are remarkable. Definitely one of the best.

Video game addict and beer-loving lunatic. He has a passion for games that actually mean something. UK Football follower and admirer of anything that is graphically pleasing. Also, tea. Follow Me on Twitter! - https://twitter.com/oliverfrenchie