Death is a synonymous action when dealing with the beautiful battered art of video games. It's an action that's usually contained within the game world as digital bodies and other worldly torsos crumple into puddles of blood, heaps of dust or unashamedly stomped into vapour. These deaths help the gushing of endorphins to drown the players brain in an unrivalled joyful pool to help de-stress and act as a controlled outlet for the rage that builds up from interacting with the idiots in their lives. Gaming isn't exactly a physically approved endeavour for our bodies, unless you're flapping like a beached fish to one of the many fitness focused titles. Like TV before it, games and consoles have always come with countless unread warnings that attempt to look out for your best physical interest, such as hilariously taking a break every 15 minutes. These warnings have always been universally ignored by parents and players, except for a few fickle straight laced law abiders, but in some instances they should have been printed on a billboard sized poster. Those instances will be the focus of this article where, in an attempt to lighten in the mood, I will be highlighting a few ill fated gaming escapades that took the lives of their dedicated, albeit massively addicted players. There are countless mindless deaths like a son shooting his parents because they took away his copy of Halo 3, but I tried, with one exception, to focus on games people died while playing, not games that supposedly trigger pointless cowardly killing sprees. And we all know the mass genocide that was committed once Duke Nukem Forever was played.