10 Video Games Ruined By TERRIBLE Bosses

9. Halo 5: Guardians

metal gear solid 5 the phantom pain skulls
343 Industries

The Halo franchise has admittedly never been great with bosses, but the fifth game well and truly took this to extremes both punishing and lazy.

The bulk of the campaign is pretty basic meat-and-potatoes fare for the series, but still plenty enjoyable. That is, until you encounter the game's antagonist the Warden Eternal, who rocks up for six separate encounters before the game's six-hour story mode is over.

The earlier battles are trivially simple yet tedious exercises, but the later battles hurl two and even three Wardens at you at once, who at this point in the game are merely tiresome, awkward-to-defeat bullet-sponges.

Even on easier difficulties fighting the Warden again and again and again is a dull, miserable experience, and if you're brave enough to attempt a Legendary run, prepare to have your sanity eroded to the nub. Unless you use that famous boss-skip glitch, of course.

Though the Warden Eternal's copy-paste boss fights can't undermine Halo 5's robust multiplayer suite, they do make the overall package a considerably less enjoyable one - especially if you actually give a damn about the story in this franchise.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.