10 Video Games So Bad They KILLED OTHER GAMES

2. Too Human

avengers guardians of the galaxy
Silicon Knights

How ironic that a game that Silicon Knights moved heaven and earth for years on end to get released would be the one to destroy them in the end. Maybe if their original deal with Nintendo back in the 90s had gone through, things might have been different, but that's not how the story played out. 

Too Human is considered one of the worst games of its generation for many reasons. From its stiff controls to its baffling combat system, to its nothing story. But the biggest mark of infamy to this game's name is that, as mentioned above, it killed Silicon Knights and every game they were making. 

Well, that wasn't just due to the game's lackluster sales, but because their partner - Epic Games - discovered that Silicon Knights had plagiarized multiple lines of their developer code. Naturally, Silicon Knights were dragged to court over this breach of their contract, and Epic won, ordering that all copies of both Too Human and SK's other big release at the time - X-Men Destiny - be destroyed. Silicon Knights closed shortly thereafter, taking all of the games they were working on down with them. 

Too Human killed its studio, the other games by that studio, and even itself. What else could possibly top it?

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?