10 Video Games So Bad You Wish You Could Forget They Exist
9. The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct
The video game industry was sent back to the Middle Ages when film video game tie ins became all the rage. Across this period substandard content was being churned out from every possible IP looking to milk a few extra bucks from the licence.
Thankfully things calmed down and actually decent adaptations began to arise such as Telltale's The Walking Dead episodic adventure which dropped in 2012. This marked a shift in confidence for tie ins like this and the world seemed good again - at least, until The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct arose from its grave and stank up the place.
Ruining the goodwill of Telltale's previous effort, this 2013 bomb truly was a zombie of the past, bringing with it dated graphics, extreme railroading that made the "expansive world" that was boasted by the devs feel like an utter joke, and combat that was more comical than creepy, with players being able to stand completely still and kill every walker with ease thanks to them conga-lining towards them.
An absolute horror show.