10 Video Games Star Wars Fans Need To Play

6. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

Star Wars Jedi Knight Ii Jedi Outcast

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron takes place between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back (bar the final mission and bonus levels) where you play as Rebel Alliance poster boy Luke Skywalker and everyone's favourite wingman Wedge Antilles. The pair between them command the eponymous Rogue Squadron, a team of the most skilled pilots in the Rebellion.

The game's missions involve various objectives like escorting and protecting a supply convoy from the Empire's forces, search and rescue operations to track down missing crew members, and even saving Red Two himself (our boy Wedge) from a prison on Kessel.

As well as being genuinely challenging (especially on the harder difficulties), the game awards gold, silver, and bronze medals based on your performance throughout the mission, with the criteria being very strict to get the top rankings.

The game also features a host of unlockable items such as unique aircraft and bonus missions like the Millennium Falcon and Death Star trench run respectively.

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A lover of video games, Star Wars, and cereal. Thinks Starfox Adventures was really good.